Saturday, May 5, 2012


Its been a week of celebrations here.  My second son turned 14 on the 3rd.  Zak's choir went to the state festival and got top ratings, I went to the elementary school on Friday to have "Muffins with Mom" with my girlies.  We also celebrated another cousin getting married with a wedding shower for Joe Smit's fiance' last night.  I have also tried very hard to celebrate the little things in life.  The sun rising every day, the rain coming to help things grow. Things we take for granted. 

The last several months, I've taken more notice of the things we take for granted. The things that go unnoticed, or maybe even avoided. Things we aren't always thankful for. Things we don't always celebrate.  Even car troubles - its amazing to me the people who offered to help when the transmission went out on my truck - during one of the busiest weeks I've had!  Makes you appreciate your friends and family even more!  I guess I've celebrated transportation this week, as I've been able to get kids to school, and go to work without incident:)  My boys moved the furniture around for me this week.  Not such a big thing, but we now have "new" couches (thanks Lisa!) in the living room instead of in the basement. I'm celebrating boys growing into men who are helpful, and kind - especially when dad isn't here to help with these things.  I'm celebrating the encouragement I've received from unexpected sources - for different things I've got goin' on: this blog, eating healthy, exercising, staying positive... the list goes on.  I thank God every day for all of you!

We've been having a "birthday week" here for Devin - special supper and dessert on his birthday, went to pick up his phone (present) today, and tomorrow our traditional lunch-at-your-restaurant-of-choice dinner out along with a movie. We are lucky to be able to pick up Paul after church so that he can join us tomorrow - so we will be celebrating even more than the birthday! We need to celebrate every moment, every day we have with our loved ones. They are important, they are special. They can be gone in a blink and we can never get them back. Remember how blessed YOU are. Thank God for the special people in your lives. Celebrate what you have, WHO you have, all the time. Not just the 'special' occasions.

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