Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tired &/or Lazy? Depends on your perspective I guess

I am going to share my blog from team beachbody, just because its late and I'm tired.  I have had a lot floating around in my head waiting to write, but don't have the ambition to define it right now.  I'm hoping that given a little more time, some incomplete thought processes will progress to the point of writing them out. 

Copied from my beachbody blog:

Today was a scheduled rest day, and I am so very glad! The last few days, I've been really working it, and I can feel it.  I'm sore, but in a good way, not an injured way:) Anywhoo, I'm looking forward to BumBum and High and Tight tomorrow.
What I'm not looking forward to is "weighing in" on Tuesday. (I know thats a week away...) My scale has issues.  I've had the same one for several years, and until I began this adventure in fitness, had been avoiding it for about the same length of time! I've always told myself numbers don't matter.  Not in weight, or clothing sizes - as long as I felt good about myself and how I looked.  Reality check. The numbers have ALWAYS mattered to me.  I hate that I am now the "fat sister". I hate that I am heavier than I was when I GAVE BIRTH to my youngest daughter.  So, the numbers matter.  And my scale. Has. Issues.  Over the years, it has become a toy to the kids. It is cracked, and the screen is scratched so bad that if I don't have my glasses and the light on, I can't even read it.  And, it gives me random, different weights from one moment to the next.  I KNOW where and how to stand on it to get a "good" reading. 
When I started all this, I got my starting weight, and diligently weighed myself once a week, the same way so that my readings were at least accurately measuring loss/gain. But, now that I have become friends with my scale again, the inconsistencies bug me.  I don't like to reposition myself 3 times, and take my weight that many times in 5 minutes to get an average.  So, I went and bought a nice, new scale yesterday.  Its got bells and whistles (bone mass %, BMI, etc) along with the weighing part of it.  Here's the thing though - I weigh about what I did when I STARTED OUT on my old scale.  I feel like I am starting over.  I KNOW I've lost weight - my clothes fit differently. I KNOW I am more fit than I have been in at least 10 years - I have more energy, and can see the start of muscle definition.  BUT, I'm hung up on those numbers.  I want to get down to my goal weight of 135 lbs.  So, do I start it over again, with the numbers from the new scale?? I'm kinda bummed.
I guess it really means, I weighed more than I thought I did when I began this journey.  And, it means I still have a long way to go.

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