Sunday, January 20, 2013

New year, New challenges

January is rapidly coming to a close. The past couple of weeks have brought some interesting changes to our lives. Some of this journey is not just ours but belongs to some of our extended family, so it's not mine to share. I ask that you pray for God's loving hand and guidance without knowing those specifics. He knows.

Paul and his brother, along with some of their cousins are in the process of taking over general operations of the family business with the future intention of buying their parents out. This is a huge step and we are all looking forward to the challenges and rewards this is going to bring into our lives.  Guess it's time for us to finally grow up :)

And speaking of growing up, we ask for prayers of strength and wisdom for us and Zak and his girlfriend. Many of you already know, but for some this is fresh news - we are going to become grandparents this summer. We have known for a couple weeks and have been grieving for their loss of childhood, and our plans for their futures.  We, and they, have an amazing support system full of loving family and friends.  Our big challenge right now is making sure they have the tools they need for parenthood while they are still kids themselves.  And, making sure that they finish high school. Both us and Brittany' s parents have strong church families that  we can lean on and we are so very thankful for that! They also have some awesome role models within our own families and churches to ask advise and counsel from.  We really covet your prayers for them, us, and their brothers and sisters as we travel this new road together.

So, all in all, not the "new" year we anticipated. After last year, we were hoping and praying for a year of grace and renewal. But God' s timing is not ours, and while we would not wish for this start to parenthood, and grandparenthood, He knows the plan He has for us, and we trust Him always.  And the grace and renewal we anticipated may be all the better for this additional challenge.  I wonder so often what is in store for us - the strength God is growing in us through all these trials just must be in anticipation of something amazing! 

Our love to you, friends - I thank God for all of you daily:)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amy, Sometimes God does give us year after year of challenges, but never more than we can handle.Looking back you will see good things that came through what feel like the worst of things. Hang in there and let us all pray your family through this.
