Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Social Media

So, how many of you have contemplated the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media?  I am the first to admit, I am quite addicted to it. Not the games so much - mostly because I don't let myself play them. But the inherent voyeurism of it.  I love looking into the lives of people. Not just those I consider my "besties", but those I am in limited, cyber contact with as well.  I have always been one of those people who; while driving down the road after dark, enjoys the glimpses of others lives through the "movie screens" of their lit windows. FB allows this on a much grander scale.  It makes our worlds so much smaller. I love being able to chat with a friend in the Netherlands with the click of my keyboard. Its fun catching up with friends I haven't seen in 20+ years. And, lets face it, snooping into the lives of our children has its bonuses...

But, it has a dark side too.  It feeds the gossip mongers among us by its very nature. It enables us to hurt others without direct confrontation, without coming right out and saying anything to them. Jealousy has fertile soil to grow in.  Sometimes the renewed friendships can destroy current relationships.  Some of us may be immediately affected by these things, and some may not see the effects until years from now - but being the humans we are, in some shape or form social media is going to "get" us at some point. Its going to hurt.  This isn't to say its any worse than actual, human interaction.  Because, we all know how much pain what others say can cause  us face to face.  I'm just observing. And, I'm just as guilty. I have never tried to "poke" someone with my judgement of their lives. With my "truth" about them. But, I have probably inadvertently caused someone pain by my typed thoughts.  If its you, I am truly sorry. It was NOT intentional.  FB seems to me like a voodoo doll sometimes.  It can be used to "stick" someone time and again, until the pain of it gets to be too much.  The judgement in some posts can weigh like a rock on someone's soul. Yes, sometimes the judgements "sticks" are the truth. Does that mean they HAVE to be expressed? Does that mean they need to be put out there for all to see? My own thought on this is that yes; sometimes you need to say something, but not always. And if you do, send it IN AN INBOX to the person you are "sticking" with that pin. Privately.

Personally, I am glad to have it. The support I have received from old, new and beloved friends and relatives has helped get me through one of the most difficult times of my life.  I wouldn't have that if FB didn't exist.  I love that I can know what my friends are struggling with - and what prayers they need. Sometimes, its easier to put out that request to the impersonal masses than to call someone up and tell them what you need. And, then, someone you would never expect might have some real insight into whatever you may be dealing with. They might be the answer to YOUR prayer. All because you requested prayers on a website.  I've experienced it personally.

I expected to have some really bad nights with Paul away. And there have been a few. But not nearly as many as I thought - I really believe its because I spend my falling-asleep-time listing those FB contacts who have expressed prayer concerns. I'm spending my time praying for all of my friends who have asked for it. Not just then, but while I'm walking too. And while I'm driving.  My quiet hours are turning into prayer hours. I'm learning to put on my armor and be a warrior for those who need it. Oh, I still struggle with depression, self pity, bitterness, and anger. But, those things don't control my life.

I hope social media is a wonderful, positive thing in your life. I hope you can leave the bad, the ugly on the screen and embrace the good things about it. I've been challenged to be positive in everything that I put out there. I don't always succeed, but I'm trying. Sometimes, you just need to let the ugly out. I get it. I do it:) But, try it with me. Lets find the good in something every day, and let others know it by what we write.

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