Sunday, February 26, 2012


This is for those of you who have asked what fitness program/exercise/workout etc I am doing.  I joined Team Beachbody and these are from my blog on the website:

From 2.20.12:
Today is the last day I am going to be unhappy with myself.  Committing to exercise is a big deal for me.  I have never enjoyed it, and honestly - am not looking forward to it now! But, I need to do this.  And not just exercise.  I need to change lots of things about how I live my life.  But, 1 thing at a time :) So, today is the last day of this part of my life.
Tomorrow, February 21, 2012, when I get up in the morning. I am going to be a new person. I am going to live a new life. A better life. A more fit life. A healthy life. For my kids. For my husband. But, mostly, FOR ME.
I can't promise I won't slack off. But I CAN promise that if I do, I'll get right back to it, and keep coming back.  I'm hoping I'll find some help, some support through this. And, if I can, support someone else in their endeavor.
Thanks for reading! I hope to share something inspiring <hehe>!

From 2.21.12:

I did it.  It seems stupid to be excited about walking for 20 minutes, but for me that is a HUGE thing.  Just getting up early to do this is huge.  I am one of those people that has the morning schedule down to the minute so that I can stay in bed as LOOONG as possible.  But, I got up 30 minutes earlier than usual so that I would have time to long in after my walk. 
It was good. I admit, I was watching the clock a little. Kept thinking, "it has to have been 10 minutes by now..." and it had only been about 4! But, I made it :)  My heart is pounding, I'm in a sweat, my legs are tingling, and my feet feel funny.  But those are all good things! I am proud of myself.  I am DOING something.  And that is the biggest thing, for me anyway.
I better get on with my day. The kids will be up soon, and work is calling my name.... Enjoy YOUR day!

From 2.22.12:

Wow! 2 days in a row! This is a record for me :) It was definitely harder to drag my a** outta bed this morning though! But, I managed. And it felt good.  I'm REALLY awake now! Even just my 20 minutes on the tread seems to have "perked up" my Monday yesterday. I am hoping for the same result today. My sister in law tells me that the days she exercises are the days she gets the most accomplished, that she just seems to have more energy.  I'll take some of that!
Well, gotta keep movin'. Happy Tuesday!

From 2.23.12:

So, last night I stayed up later than I planned.  I was waiting for a phone call that didn't come until TONIGHT.  Then, baby girl had a bad dream and crawled into bed with me.  She is a restless sleeper to say the least! After a not-so-great nights sleep, I got a text message at 5 am notifying me that school was delayed due to fog and icy roads. So, no need to get the kids up. And, in the past - a GREAT reason to sleep a little later myself! When the alarm went off at 6, the snooze was my best friend.  I tried to justify staying in bed just a little longerONE more snooze... But I couldn't do it! I actually got up and walked my 20 minutes! I'm pretty proud of myself :)
Water has never been a friend of mine either. With the encouragement of my coach I am drinking ALOT more of it! Today I actually pushed 70 oz! I feel like I could float away :P 
So, all in all, its been a good day. Better, in fact, because I started it out right.

From 2.26.12:

By Friday, I was anticipating a busy, but "lazy" weekend.  I figured, sleeping in was for sure going to sabotage my walking schedule since I am up before 6 am to fit it in during the week.  I actually argued with myself about it Saturday while my son was getting ready for work.  I did sleep in - if I deprive myself of a couple extra hours on my day off to exercise - I'll quit. I am realistic enough to know that about myself. But, when I got up, had my coffee, I could hear that treadmill calling my name. So, I filled up my waterbottle, laced my shoes and went to it. I even added some speed for a few minutes of "jog-walking"! And the day was awesome. I had company coming in the evening (some old friends I haven't seen in years) and while the house was clean, there was definitely some work to be done! The added energy from my workout carried me through the day, and I felt like I accomplished something. 
And today, has started out pretty much the same.  I let myself have the extra hours to burrow in the blankets, but when I got up - I started the day right with a walk. I can't wait for spring, when I can take it to the streets!

Just wanted to share that so far, I am sticking with this.  The blogging is good, I can keep accountability with my coach. I even took before pictures. Not pretty. Don't think I'll share those here...

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